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Folder activity for Learning Time

This is a folder I developed for my daughter when she was young.  She was not understanding time well from her math curriculum.  I have shown this example in my workshops and people request it so much I am now making it available.  (The template is in my Enrichment Activities ebook). 

The activity will provide a fun, hands-on understanding of time, allow you to quiz and assess their understanding of time and I find that kids can't wait to get their hands on it.

There are toys you may purchase to teach this, but I find there is no substitute for the active, hands-on moving and placement of the pieces to help them better understand the concept.

This file folder will come laminated, velcroed and completely put together.


Item #TFF

Price $9.25 

If you are uncomfortable with on-line payment, please feel free to call me at 919-649-2860 during regular business hours (East Coast time) and I will process your payment over the phone.